Application: Renewable Energy – Solar


Solar energy is a renewable source of energy created by utilizing the bright light and heat from the sun using a variety of ever-changing technologies such as solar heating, solar thermal energy, photovoltaic’s.
– Monitoring and optimization of performance in solar energy plants utilizing sensors attached to the transmission, generation, and distribution equipment.


  • Irradiance, temperature, humidity sensors and voltage sensors used to measure photovoltaic (PV) output current and voltage on solar panels. By placing sensors along the distribution channels and substations operators are able to gather real-time power consummation data which will helps make decisions about the load, voltage, and power being supplied


KPI Value
Communication Service AvailabilityBest effort
CriticalityMission critical
Priority Service (NS/EP)No
Service ContinuityNot required
Communication DirectionTwo-way
Data Reporting ModeContinuous-based
Connectivity Service Area
Connectivity Type (BAN/PAN/WAN/LAN)
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