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Use Cases: FWA as a Service; Bridging the Digital Divide; Exploit Underused Spectrum; Smart Factory
Livestock Monitoring
Smart Irrigation
Smart Fertilization
Smart Pest Control and Early Disease Detection
Agriculture Robotics
Smart Greenhouse
Digital Twin City (Massive Scale)
Industrial Automation Digital Twin (Large Scale)+
Network Digital Twin
Wildlife Tracking and Behavior Monitoring
Perimeter Security and Anti-Poaching Detection
Environmental and Habitat Monitoring
Aquatic Animal Tracking
Urban Pest Management and Control
Mine Safety for Exploration and Extraction of Minerals
Autonomous Mining Operations
Real-Time Workforce and Asset Tracking in Mining Operations
Immersive XR Telepresence
Hologram Services
High-Fidelity Mobile Hologram
Mixed Reality Telepresence
Mixed Reality Co-design
Immersive Communication with XR and Wearable Devices
Immersive Education
Digital Twin
Digital World Experience (DWE) in Service/Retail Industry
Immersive Entertainment Interactive Special Events
Immersive Entertainment Gaming and eSports
Ultra-Realistic Interactive Sport: Drone Racing
Tele-Operated Field Robots for Hazardous Working Environments
Remote Area Data Collection (ITRI)
Gaming Using Augmented Reality
Gaming Using Virtual Reality
Ultra High Fidelity Media High-Interactivity, Immersive Viewing Applications
Ultra High Fidelity Media High-Immersion, Passive Consumption Applications
Collaborative/Crowd-Sourced Broadcast Production
“At Event” Immersive Experience
“At Event” Immersive Experience Using Augmented Reality
Metering, Environmental Sensing, Security (Cameras and Motion Detection Sensors).
Weather Monitoring
Pollution Monitoring
Personalized Hotel and Shopping Experience
High speed wireless connection in aerial vehicle for entertainment and service
Personalized Collaborative Driving Experience
Healthcare: In-body Networks
Untethered Wearables Implants
Automated Security Surveillance
Service-Oriented Robots
Service Robots for Medical Purposes
Online Cooperation among a Group of Service Robots
Human Computer Interface
Command and Control
Surveillance and monitoring
Inspections and surveys
Goods Delivery
Emergency/Disaster Response/Search and Rescue
Communications and Media
Mission Critical Communications
Body-Worn Sensor Systems for 1st Responders
Real-Time Safety Monitoring for 1st Responders
Smart Emergency Routing
Situational Awareness
Bomb Disposal
Emergency Notification (forest fire, volcano, flash flood, avalanche, tsunami)
Emergency Notification (Earthquake)
Surveillance for Critical Infrastructure
Intrusion Detection/Access Control
Autonomous Vehicles (fully cooperative and automated vehicle) Cooperative sensing
Autonomous Vehicles (fully cooperative and automated vehicle) Cooperative maneuvers
Autonomous Vehicles (fully cooperative and automated vehicle) High density platooning
Autonomous Vehicles (fully cooperative and automated vehicle) See-through
Autonomous Vehicles (fully cooperative and automated vehicle) Vulnerable road user
Autonomous Vehicles (fully cooperative and automated vehicle) Teleoperated driving
Cooperative Traffic Management
Electronic Toll Collection System
Vehicle Safety
Mobile Automated Asset Traceability and Monitoring
Proximity-Based Asset Tracking and Monitoring
Container-Based Asset Tracking and Monitoring
Smart Logistics
Predictive Maintenance
Manufacturing Efficiency: Real Time Monitoring
Manufacturing Efficiency: Non-real Time Monitoring
Packaging Efficiency
Smart Energy Metering
Smart Transmission Grid
Smart Control & Monitoring
Renewable Energy – Hydroelectric
Renewable Energy – Geothermal
Renewable Energy – Wind
Renewable Energy – Solar
Smart Oil & Gas
Secure real time remote patient care and monitoring (Critical functions)
Secure remote patient care and monitoring – non-real-time (Non-critical functions)
Fall Detection
Personal Fitness
Remote Robotic Surgery
Smart Infrastructure
Sensor-Driven Smart Parking
Real-Time Smart Parking Management with Camera-Based Occupancy Monitoring
Smart Waste Management
Smart Waste Pickup
Smart Street Lighting
Smart Water
Smart HVAC
Smart Lighting
Smart Access Control System with Card Readers and Biometric Security
Camera-Driven Smart Access Solutions for Enhanced Security
Smart Elevators
Environmental Monitoring
Smart Sanitation
Fire Detection
Sensor-Based Smart Traffic Monitoring and Management
Smart Traffic Management with Camera-Based Real-Time Congestion Monitoring and Incident Detection
Smart Public Transport
Urban Package Delivery
Crowd Management
Intelligent Crowd Management System with Video Cameras