Application: Autonomous Mining Operations


This encompasses the deployment of automated vehicles, drilling systems, and GPS-based navigation technologies to enhance efficiency, safety, and precision in extracting and processing minerals, particularly in challenging environments such as underground mines.


  • Driverless vehicles and Autonomous Drilling Systems that can operate without human intervention allow operations around the clock, enabling minerals to be extracted and processed in shorter time-frames. Real-Time Kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS) is used In underground mines due to a limited range of signal transmission below the surface and lack of satellite coverage in depth. RTK-GPS is used to ensure autonomous vehicles and drilling systems have clear path-tracking and collision avoidance capabilities. GPS-guided drilling operations. GPS provides accurate information to the drill head to control its direction deep within the earth.


KPI Value
Communication Service AvailabilityVery high: > 99.999%
CriticalitySafety critical
Priority Service (NS/EP)No
Service ContinuityRequired
MobilityHigh speed vehicular: 120 to 350 km/h
Communication DirectionTwo-way
Data Reporting ModeHybrid driven
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